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Thank you for considering service on a City board or commission.  This opportunity can be an interesting and rewarding way to learn about and participate in the City’s planning and operations.  Member of boards and commissions are appointed by the Mayor with City Council’s endorsement.

The following is a brief description of each board or commission and its current membership.
Please note that all terms start January 1st, except for the Civil Service Commission.


The Board of Review meets in March, July and December each year, with March reserved for hearing appeals regarding property taxes.

Members:  Three members for 3-year terms who meet the following requirements:

  • Registered voters and City residents for at least one year prior to appointment
  • Homeowners that pay City property taxes
  • At least one member is not an elected official, administrative officer or City employee
Name Originally Appointed Current Terms
1. Hannah Rodriguez  7/18/2022      12/31/25
2. Judy Jordan   7/18/2022 


3. Randy Priest                          2/21/2017 


4. Alternate - Sara Frey 1/23/2023  




The Civil Service Commission is “on call,” meeting as business arises.  Terms begin June 1st.

Members:  Three members for 6-year terms who meet the following requirements:

  • City residents
  • People who agree with applying merit principles to public employment
  • Cannot hold any other elected or appointive office of the city
  • Cannot be employed by the City in any capacity
  • Cannot be a member of any local, state or national committee of a political party
  • Cannot be an officer or member of a committee in any partisan political club or organization
  • Cannot be a candidate for any elective office
Name Originally Appointed Current Terms
1. Theresa Ceccarelli   8/12/19 05/31/25
2. Joani Laginess 5/18/15 05/31/27
3. Angela Samuyn    



The Construction Board of Appeals is “on call,” meeting as business arises.

Members:  Not less than three members nor more than seven members for 2-year terms.

  • One member may be a registered design professional.
  • One member may be a registered builder with a minimum of 10 years experience.
  • One member may be a registered mechanical contractor with a minimum of 10 years experience.
  • One member may be a registered electrician with a minimum of 10 years experience.
  • One member may be a registered fire protection engineer or contractor with a minimum of 10 years experience.
Name Originally Appointed Current Terms
1. John Hennessey     01/07/2013 12/31/2021
2. Bob McCraight            01/07/2013 12/31/2021
3. Bernie Zarb  01/07/2013 12/31/2018
4. Mike Evans     01/07/2013 12/31/2018
Alternate Members    
Joe Watts 01/07/2013 12/31/2018
Rich Evans  02/02/2015     11/30/2018




Members:  The Mayor during his/her term of office, plus eight members for 4-year terms

  • At least five will have an interest in property located in the downtown district (designated PI)
  • At least one will be a resident of the downtown district

Meetings:  Third Wednesday of each month at 6 pm at City Hall.

Name Originally Appointed Current Terms

1. Denise Baker (PI)

12/06/10 12/31/24

2. Sabrina Richardson-Williams

05/15/06 12/31/25

(District Resident)


3. Chris Donley
(At large)

12/18/2023 12/31/25

4. VACANT (PI), Chair

0/0/25  12/31/26

5. Michael Gutteri (PI)

12/04/23  12/31/26

6. Mayor Ken Voigt

12/04/23    with the office

7. John Winter (PI)

11/13/23 12/31/24

8. Valerie Kelly-Bonner (PI)

08/19/19 12/31/27

9. Kelly McWilliams (PI)

10/21/19    12/31/27



Members:  The Mayor, City Clerk and one other elective or appointive City officer who is appointed for a two-year term and meets as needed for each election.

Name Originally Appointed Current Terms
1. Ken Voigt, Mayor 12/04/2023 With the office
2. Briana Hootman, City Clerk 09/28/2020 With the office
3. Jason Smith, City Manager  12/04/2023  12/31/2025



Members:  Five to Nine members who are City residents serve for 4-year terms

Meetings:  Fourth Monday of each month at 4:00 PM at City Hall.

Name Originally Appointed Current Terms
1. Thomas Fielder 12/7/07 12/31/22
2. Vacancy 09/28/2020 With the office
3. Claude Partridge, Jr. 11/27/17 12/31/21

4. Vacancy


5. Vacancy


6. Vacancy

7. Juli Balestrieri    2/20/18 12/31/22



Members: Nine members for 3-year terms who meet the following qualifications:

  • Registered voters and City residents for at least one year immediately prior to appointment
  • Represent, whenever possible, different professions, trades and occupations within the city
  • One City Council Member may serve on the Planning Commission but not City Officials or employees
  • One Planning Commissioner serves on the Zoning Board of Appeals

Meetings:  Second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at City Hall

Name Originally Appointed Current Terms
1. Raytheon Martin  02/03/25 12/31/26
2. John Juriga  02/03/03 12/31/27
3. Jim Courage, Chair
12/18/2023 12/31/25

4. Mike W. Renaud

10/18/10 12/31/25

5. Becky Hasen

05/21/12 12/31/27

6. James O'Keefe

01/23/23 12/31/27

7. Alvis Brigis

 12/16/24 12/31/25

8. Julie Kissel (City Council), Vice-Chair

01/09/23 12/31/26

9. Mark Kowalski

01/09/23 12/31/26



Members:  Five members for 3-year terms who are “on call,” and meet as business arises

  • One member will be a Planning Commissioner
  • One member may be a City Council Member
  • There may also be not more than two (2) alternate members
Name Originally Appointed Current Terms
1. Ken Voigt (Chair) 12/19/11 12/31/23

(Planning Commission)

0/0/25  with PC term
3. William Emerson  02/07/11 12/31/18
4. Alternate Member
5. Alternate Member



  • If you are interested in serving for more than one, please submit a separate application for each.
  • Please answer all questions on the application (use N/A if a question is not applicable to you)
  • Applications are valid for one year after receipt.