City Clerk's Office
The City Clerk's office is responsible for various City functions. Receives and processes all Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for City Hall. (Police related FOIA’s are processed by the Police Records Department). The City Clerk records the official minutes, prepares official documents approved by Council, processes contracts, prepares necessary documents requiring the City's official seal, posts all public hearing notices and processes all Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests for City Hall.
PLEASE NOTE: Police related FOIA requests are processed by the Police Records Department and can be sent to Police Records Clerk, Kristy Doe, at [email protected].
The Clerk’s Office is also responsible for all elections functions such as registering voters, processing absentee ballot applications, hiring and supervising precinct workers, tabulating election results, verifying nominating petitions and conducting tests on the election program and equipment to ensure accuracy prior to an election.
Other services provided by the Clerk’s Office:
- Record keeping for all City documents including; City Council and other board/commission meeting minutes, contracts, cemetery deeds, etc.
- Processes requests filed under the Freedom of Information Act
- Administers oaths of office
- Executes official documents with municipal seal
- Notary public service for City residents
- Copies and distributes ordinances
- Publishes and posts City notices as required by law
- Administers Hillside Cemetery transactions and coordinates burials
City Treasurer's Office
The City Treasurer's office collects all city, county and school taxes, assessments and other forms of revenues, and is the custodian of all the City's funds. The Treasurer's Office bills, processes, and collects all summer and winter taxes and payments for water/trash services.
To pay your water/trash bill online, click here.
The Treasurer's Office maintains a system of accounts for all city departments, regulates disbursements of funds, and maintains all records of bond accounts, investments, special assessments and payroll. The Treasurer's Office also coordinates the City's required annual audit and coordinates general tax and assessing inquires and paperwork.