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Downtown Events
Partner with the DDA to improve Downtown commercial buildings.

Fresh Brewed Booville The Belleville DDA hosted a downtown coffee truck event on Halloween morning to raise area coffee vendors interest in a Downtown Belleville business. Event cost: $1750. Fall 2018
Horizon Park Waterfront including universal design canoe/kayak launch and courtesy day slips. Received Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) grant of $120,700 plus Wayne County CDBG grant. Total project $220,000. Summer of 2015
Booville in Belleville launched October 2014, a month-long celebration of Harvest and Halloween numerous events presented by community nonprofit organizations. DDA support includes annual downtown decorations plus promotion.
Belleville SOUP Project, a grassroots fundraising activity with BHS New Tech. Students pitch their ideas for downtown at a community supper and attendees select the winning project. Started March 2014, now an annual event with $500 project grant each year.
Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit throughout downtown in partnership with Midwest Sculpture Initiative, and more recently Van Buren DDA. Support from numerous Public Art Partner sponsors + DDA = $9500/year for Belleville.
Downtown Wayfinding Signs installed May 2014. Cost $19,000.
Doane's Landing benches refinished, replacing wooden seats and back with weather resistant low maintenance surfaces, and launched Bench Sponsorship Program. Fall of 2012, cost $4200.
LED Street Lighting Retrofit LED street lighting in the vintage light poles throughout downtown. Cost $65,090. Completed Summer 2012.
New Doane's Landing Railings and Benches Replace deteriorated fencing at Doane's Landing with new lifetime warranty fence matching the new streetscape. Cost $27,300, completed Spring 2012.
New Belleville Gateway Sign A monument style sign installed at the foot of the Belleville Bridge. The sign, originally designed by the late Chesley Odum, was dedicated to Mr. Odum at the August 2011 Bridgewalk. Tom Tinsley of Contract Welding created and donated the sign's metal work. Cost $40,000.
Main Street and Downtown Improvements
2010 - 2011
-- Constructed a new streetscape on Main Street, Five Points and South Street
-- Rebuilt and paved Main Street from bridge to Five Points
-- Five Points, South Street and side streets received concrete repairs and/or asphalt overlays.
2009- Replaced aging City water main under Main Street.
Entire Main Street/Downtown Improvement Project financed with $4.2 million bond; plus stimulus funding: Wayne County Federal Aid Committee/FAC road paving grant $675,000, and MDOT TE streetscape grant for $437,300.
Village Park Paths
Engineered and constructed new asphalt pathways for Village Park in Fall of 2010. Project cost $70,000.
New Community Events LED Message Board
Purchased LED electronic message board to replace Community Events sign. New sign frame created and donated by Tom Tinsley of Contract Welding in Belleville. Project cost $45,250.
New Park Signs
Constructed to match the new Horizon Park signs. New signs placed December 2009 at Doane's Landing, Victory Park and Village Park. Project cost $12,500.
Downtown Marketing Campaign and website:
New brand - Belleville Downtown on the Lake - designed with public input, and launched Spring 2009. Campaign includes events, promotions, new street pole banners, a Buy It In Belleville website. Project cost $25,000, with additional annual investment of $10-15,000.
Liberty Street Parking Lot Improvements
Municipal parking lot located on Liberty Street behind Main Street
stores, paved and re-striped to increase capacity,improve drainage, with added landscaping in 2009. Project cost: $500,000.
Main Street Temporary Road Repair
Asphalt overlay of driving lanes in 2009 to smooth road surface until rebuild in 2010. Cost $50,000.
Previous Projects
Downtown Facade Improvement Program
Provide commercial property owners with grant up to $5,000 and zero interest loan up to $5,000 for building facade improvements, launched Jan 2009. Investment to date of $30,000.
DDA TIF Plan Update Project cost $5,500. New plan adopted by City Council April 2009.
City Flag Pole at Five Points
Install a new 60' flagpole and larger flag in traffic island at Five Points August 2008. Cost $8,150.
Village Park Fence and Landscaping 2008 Cost $10,000
Victory Park Playscape 2007 Cost $125,300.
Village Park Fence and Landscaping
Cost $10,000. Completed 2008
Victory Park Playscape
Cost $125,300. Completed 2007
Doane's Landing Park
Cost $149,000. Completed Fall 2006
Downtown Design Guidelines Initiative
Cost $30,000. Completed April 2006
Improvements to Main and Denton Corner
Cost $60,000 to $90,000. Completed Fall 2005
Downtown Market Analysis
Cost $33,000. Completed May 2005
Downtown Alley Improvements
Cost $173,000. Completed August 2005
Tree Planting in Victoria Commons
Cost $55,000: $20,000 State Grant, $15,000 Victoria Commons and $20,000 DDA. Completed Fall 2005
Improvements for Main Street Study
Cost $6,000. Completed June 2005
South Street Streetscape Design
Cost $14,750. Completed June 2005
Update TIF Plan
Cost $5000. Completed Fall 2005
Design Downtown Belleville Program
Cost $7,000. November 2004