For immediate response for police, fire, and ambulance-related emergencies — DIAL 911.
The Belleville Police Department is a 24-hour full-service agency. The department provides many services to the residents including: road patrol, criminal investigation, traffic control, citizen assistance, and other related activities.
It is the department's goal to earn and maintain the confidence of the community by actively patrolling city streets, responding promptly to calls for assistance, and interacting with our local schools, civic organizations, and individual citizens. The effective prevention and suppression of crime is largely dependent upon the existence of a cooperative partnership between the Police Department and the community at large.
The City is very proud of the men and women of this department & hope that residents will take advantage of the many services offered to enhance the quality of life in Belleville.
The Police Records Clerk is Kristy Doe. She can pull and make copies of police and fire reports, conduct records checks, and process FOIA requests for addresses within the City's corporate limits (please see the Street Index). Since fire reports require coordination, please allow 48 hours to fulfill the request.
- Report copies -- $10 for the first page and $1.25 for each additional page
- FOIA requests-- per State statute
We do not offer fingerprinting services.
Gun Permits
Purchase permits and safety inspections are available to City residents during records department office hours. Fee: free
Purchase an Accident Report
You can now purchase your accident report on-line. CLICK HERE to purchase your accident report through the CLEMIS system.
Vehicle Release
If your vehicle has been impounded within the City limits, you must come to the Police Department to arrange for its release. Please call ahead for a list of documents you will need to bring.
- Fee: $33. Please note that we cannot release a vehicle to you after 4:30 p.m, or on the weekends.
Traffic Tickets
We do not accept payments for traffic tickets. Please refer to the address on the back of your ticket. The City and Van Buren and Sumpter Townships fall under the jurisdiction of the 34th District Court. You may contact the Court as follows:
34th District Court
11131 S. Wayne Road
Romulus, MI 48174
(734) 941-4462